Use these 5 easy tips for inclusive workplaces today!
Provide a quiet, low-light space for employees to take a break in: This can help all employees by giving them the chance to decompress.
Adopt clear, plain language communications: People are busy! Use tools like Chat GPT to make sure documents are clear, easy to understand, and in multiple formats (written, visual, verbal).
Use checklists, charts, or diagrams to outline job responsibilities: Providing employees with these ensures the job is done right!
Break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps: This can ensure all employees are clear on the job but also make it easier for everyone to do their job.
Offer job-shadowing opportunities: Pair experienced employees with new hires so they can learn the in’s and out’s of the workplace.
Offer inclusion training for all employees: This can help everyone understand best practices and to create a welcoming workplace.
Inclusive tools and strategies don’t have to cost money! Many can be easily implemented at little to no cost to employers.
Your online learning hub for inclusion training. Email ici@inclusionnb.ca or visit www.ici-nb.ca